Pitta (Fire) Balancing Herbal Ayurvedic Tea Blend 2lb


Pitta is a unique blend of traditional Ayurvedic herbs with more modern ingredients that you won’t find in other ayurvedic teas. We add the traditional herbs to create a balanced, cooling, thirst-quenching tea that can be enjoyed hot or cold. Pitta Ayurvedic tea is blended with hibiscus, peppermint, cardamom crusted, golden chrysanthemum, sarsaparilla, holy basil, raspberry leaves and marigold petals.


With Pitta herbal tea, you can add enthusiasm to your life. Pitta herbal tea is a blend of spices that cleanse up your body and mind. This particular tea is 100% herbal and will definitely wake you up. It is caffeine free and can be used instead of coffee on damp, cold days or early mornings.
This Ayurvedic Pitta Tea can be drunk at any time of the day to benefit from its stimulating effect or when you feel overweight, lethargic, slowness in digestion or when the weather is too cold. This blend was specially created for Pitta Dosha people.
Spice after spice is used in preparing the perfect ingredient for the Pitta cleansing herbal tea. The blending of various spices come together to form the perfect herbal tea.

Pitta is a unique blend of traditional Ayurvedic herbs with more modern ingredients that you won’t find in other ayurvedic teas. We add the traditional herbs to create a balanced, cooling, thirst-quenching tea that can be enjoyed hot or cold. Pitta Ayurvedic tea is blended with hibiscus, peppermint, cardamom crusted, golden chrysanthemum, sarsaparilla, holy basil, raspberry leaves and marigold petals.
Pitta balancing herbal tea is known to be a healthy drink option. The different spices used have unique characteristic and beneficial qualities in them. Some of the spices with their health benefits are provided below:
Cardamom is tridoshic means it balances all three doshas. Cardamom is believed to be an excellent digestive spice which is greatly beneficial in reducing intestinal gas and bloating. Kapha can be balanced well with cardamom, especially in the lungs and stomach.
Saffron is widely used in Ayurvedic cooking be it vegetable dishes, desserts and to season rice. Saffron is used for its pleasant aroma and its royal color.

Additional information

Weight 32 oz


  1. Vinay Grover

    I have become a big fan of these herbal medicinal drinks. It is such a relaxing feeling to drink this all natural drink without an iota of worry about choking my system with artificial chemicals. It took me some time to analyze my symptoms and judge which imbalance I suffered from, but once I knew it is pitta dosha, I tried this tea and it felt like it was tailor made for me.

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