
Raspberry Leaves Herbs Loose Leaf Tea Detox – 1lb

Original price was: $53.60.Current price is: $47.00.

Raspberry leaves are full of health benefits:

The tea leaves are naturally high in magnesium, potassium, iron and vitamins B. It’s helpful with  leg cramps, nausea and may improve sleep. It is also high in Vitamins B, C, and E which are helpful improve the immune system and energy.
Raspberry leaf tea is one of most commonly used for women’s health. It strengthens the uterine wall, which may increase the chances of embryo implantation and reduces the chance of early miscarriage. Red raspberry leaf tea is often used during pregnancy to strengthen and tone the uterus.

It is also a great detoxifier, which is beneficial to men and women.

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Raspberry Leaves  Herbs is the Detox Tea

Raspberry leaves are probably one the most pleasant-tasting of all the herbal remedies, without much bitterness. It is tastes similar to black tea but totally without the caffeine.

The legend say that raspberries were discovered by the Olympian gods while collecting berries on Mount Ida.

Dried Raspberry leaves have the highest antioxidant content.

To make the raspberry tea pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 or 2 teaspoons of dried leaf. Close the teapot and let it steep for 10 minutes, then sweeten to taste if needed.

Raspberry leaves are full of health benefits:

The tea leaves are naturally high in magnesium, potassium, iron and vitamins B. It’s helpful with  leg cramps, nausea and may improve sleep. It is also high in Vitamins B, C, and E which are helpful improve the immune system and energy.
Raspberry leaf tea is one of most commonly used for women’s health. It strengthens the uterine wall, which may increase the chances of embryo implantation and reduces the chance of early miscarriage. Red raspberry leaf tea is often used during pregnancy to strengthen and tone the uterus.

It is also a great detoxifier, which is beneficial to men and women.

Infusions made from the leaves of Raspberry bushes, (Latin: Rubus idaeus) have been consumed for millenia for reasons ranging from the soothing of throat infections to easing leg cramps. Botanical archaeology indicates that raspberries originated in what is now Central Europe – in fact, not far from Lublin, Poland where we have sourced our offering. From there it is believed that the plants were carried either in seed or seedling form, by ancient migrants across the Baring Land Mass, the strip of land that used to join Alaska and Russia thousands of years ago. As the population of North America grew over time, the hardy raspberry bush came to grow wild throughout the continent. Archaeologists studying the ancient cultures of North America discovered evidence that the women of the ancient Cherokee, Iroquois, and Mohawk nations took advantage of the plant’s abundance and regularly consuming it during pregnancy. They believed that drinking raspberry leaf tea helped to ease discomfort during childbirth. In fact, these ancient peoples believed that the Raspberry bush was a gift from the Great Spirit, put on earth to aid in the propagation of the human race.

Recent science indicates that there may be some truth to the ancients’ claim since raspberry leaves contain fragrine, an alkaloid that helps tone the pelvis and uterus. Raspberry leaf also contains high quantities of Vitamins A, B Complex, C, and E, as well as many essential minerals, and high levels of tannin. In order to ensure the high vitamin and mineral content, our suppliers harvest the leaves of the raspberry plant in summer before the berries ripen and flavonoid levels are high. The leaves are then dried and processed in a method similar to that of regular tea. Comparisons can also be drawn between the he robust, full-bodied flavor of raspberry leaf tea, and that of traditional black tea. Brew a pot today and see why raspberry leaf makes an excellent caffeine free alternative to the morning cuppa! Alternatively, our raspberry leaf can be used as a decorative flourish to blended teas.

Additional information

Weight 32 oz


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