Organic English Breakfast Black Loose Leaf Tea – Bulk 2LB


This classic blend steeps a red-gold cup with great smooth, hearty flavor. Organic English Breakfast Black Loose Leaf Tea is complex, with full-body, robust, and rich.

It go well with milk and sugar, in a style traditionally associated with a hearty English breakfast.

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This classic blend steeps a red-gold cup with great smooth, hearty flavor. Organic English Breakfast Black Loose Leaf Tea is complex, with full-body, robust, and rich.

It go well with milk and sugar, in a style traditionally associated with a hearty English breakfast.

Additional information

Weight 32 oz


  1. Eva Lewis

    Before I tried this tea, I had already tried a variety of different tea of which I found some to be extremely good while some didn’t meet up to my expectations. I was suspicious about trying this tea and so I bought a sample from Primatea to try this out. At first when I unpacked the sample, the aroma had me instantly. Thereafter, I steeped the tea for four minutes in about eight ounces of water. I also added some milk since I love tea with milk. And finally, when I took the first sip, I was taken aback by its superb taste. The flavor was smooth and malty which is the main factor that I love about English breakfast teas. You should also try it once.

  2. Jacky Hargorve

    I tried the English breakfast tea about a year ago but I didn’t like much as it was bought from a local grocery store. However, when I came across the tea at Primatea, I thought of giving it a try and I must say, this was way better than what I had tried earlier. Primatea’s organic English breakfast tea has got all that a person prefers in an English breakfast tea. This tea is a good eye-opener and a bit smokey. This is just the perfect tea to have in the morning at breakfast. The taste is simple outstanding. It is hard to describe the flavor of this tea, however you will surely like it. A perfect splash of milk would just make you a good black tea.

  3. Nicole Murena

    I have always loved the taste of strong Black Tea – preferably with an Indian origin. I found the organic English Breakfast tea at the Prima Tea online store and have stuck to it for some time now. Organic black tea can be consumed in a number of ways but the most popular is the traditional method of brewing the dried leaves with hot water and adding cream or milk and sugar. The other popular method of consumption is an iced beverage in which freshly brewed hot concoction is cooled and served with ice. I love it both the ways depending on the season.

  4. Jonh Anderson

    Outstanding, awesome, marvelous is what I can say about the this tea. One sip, two sip and three and I was completely in love with the tea. It turned out to be much better than I expected it to be. The tea’s fragrance and flavor is much more appealing than most other teas. The tea with its pleasant aroma and a solid flavor just makes my day when I have it the first thing in the morning.

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